- 68008 Processor
- Two high speed tape drives (100k capacity each)
- Two serial ports
- Two network ports
- Three connectors for plugins and extention cards
- Connects to Television set or Monitor
- Multitasking operating system QDOS
- SuperBasic Interpreter
- 4 Business applications: word processing, spreadsheet, database and business graphics
- Full size keyboard
now called: QXL2
- 8M of RAM
- Multitasking SBASIC
- QL Network ports
- QDOS or MSDOS floppies
- Uses PC's keyboard, floppy & hard disks, parallel/serial ports and mouse
- SMSQ version 2.76
- 2 year warranty
- 14 day money-back guarantee
This is the card that plugs into a standard 8 or 16 bit ISA slot on a PC and allows the PC to run QL programs- FAST.
A new QDOS compatible operating system from Tony Tebby called SMSQ version 2.76, which is supplied on a disk, includes Toolkit II and gives you the familiar QL environment.
SMSQ version 2.76 includes SBASIC a multitasking SuperBasic compatible interpreter.
For POINTER ENVIRONMENT programs SMSQ version 2.76 can be configured to handle 3 screen resolutions in addition to the standard 512x256 QL screen.
The PC must have EGA or VGA graphics.
EGA allows 640x350 whereas VGA also allows 640x480.
Most SVGA cards will allow SMSQ version 2.76 to use 800x600 as well.
Pricing was (inc. VAT): QXL (8MB) £295 (Outside EU £255) or your Gold Card + £195 (outside EU £165) or your Super Gold Card + £100 (outside EU £85).
You can get it secondhand at QBranch.
Super Gold Card
3 Times Faster
- 68020 processor
- 4M bytes of RAM
- Supports 4 Disk Drives
- 2 Year warranty
The SUPER GOLD CARD is the first major revision of our highly successful Gold Card. We have replaced the 68000 processor with the 68020 so programs run about 3 times faster and have expanded the memory to 4M bytes. Additional improvments include a fast CENTRONICS printer port, 2 double disk drive ports, virtually crash-proof clock and a socket to optionally connect 5V. We also supply a 3 meter Centronics printer cable at no additional cost.
Pricing: SUPER GOLD CARD £275+£5 postage. This card is sold by QUANTA the independent QL user group. To order check Tel.: 01476 563404 (in the U.K.) or contact: QUANTA e.g. Graham Underwood (Committee member)

This is the expansion that has been revolutionising the QL. It is very easy to fit, and once fitted it will instantly increase the execution speed of the QL by about 4 times due to the presence of a 16MHz 68000 on board. There is 2M of fast 16 bit RAM of which QDOS sees a contiguous 1920k. The remainder is used for shadowing the QL's ROM and display memory and for the GOLD CARD's own code. There is a disk interface which can access 3 mechanisms (4 with the DISK ADAPTER) of three different densities, DD (double density, 720k), HD (high density, 1.44M) and ED (extra high density, 3.2M) in any mix. The disk interface connector is the same type that was fitted to the Trump Card so most QL compatible disk drives can be used. Another feature is the battery backed clock. When the QL is switched on the contents of the clock are copied into the QL's clock so that the time and date are correct. The firmware in the ROM gives the GOLD CARD all the functionality of the Trump Card like TOOLKIT II and there is a sub-directory system for floppy and RAM disks.
PRICING is £100 for recycled items. The card is no longer in production.
All three cards were available from:
20 Mow Barton, Yate, Bristol, BS17 5NF, UK
Telephone/Fax: +44 (0)1454 883602.
Still available from QBranch is the QXL2!
QL AT/IDE Interface. Allows you to connect modern AT/IDE Hard Drvies to your QL. A massive amount of storage space can now be made available for your programs and files. Compatible with SGC, GC, TC and most memory expansion systems, also Minerva & Hermes comaptible.
Pricing: £65 fully inclusive of P&P (UK), +5% (Europe), +10% (Rest of World)
Available from:
38, Brunwin Road, Rayne, Braintree, Essex, CM7 5BU, UKTelephone: +44(0)1376 347852
Fax: +44(0)1376 331267
- Aurora motherboard.
- replacement for the QL motherboard
- requires some chips from the original board and a keyboard interface.
- Will give up to 1024 x 768 pixel resolution when used with SMSQ/E and suitable monitors.
- 2 x serial ports
- Qimi mouse port
- 2 x network ports.
Call QUBBESoft for more info! Price is about £80. Also available from QBranch.
The Q40 hardware replaces the Sinclair QL by a modern system delivering much more speed, graphics, storage and peripheral capabilities. It's a new designed mainboard to run SMSQ/E or QDOS on a Motorala 68040 processor. There is also Linux for Q40.
Q40 Mainboard
- Like the original QL mainboard the Q40 is a complete solution including graphics, peripherals and sound. It fits directly into an industry standard case. No parts from an existing QL, like CPU card, backplane or keyboard interface are needed.
- The Q40 mainboard is equipped with a Motorola M68040 CPU running at 40 MHz. It comes with the full version of the CPU with Memory Management Unit and Floating Point Unit.
- It's possible to have 4 MB up to 32 MB of DRAM. EDO or FPM memory modules can be used. Two 72 pin PS2-SIMM sockets make for simple upgrading. No jumpers required for size detection.
- 256 KB, data bus 32 bit wide by using two 16 bit devices. The sockets support up to 1 MB.
- High speed graphics chipset and 32 bit dual-ported video RAM
- 72 Hz vertical refresh rate, non-interlaced in all modes
- dual scan capability for the low resolutions
- Output for multisync monitors with at least 38 kHz horizontal frequency.
- 9 pin SubD connector (PS/2) or 15 pin HD connector with adapter.
Video modes
- QL mode 8 256x256 pixel, 8 colours
- QL mode 4 512x256 pixel, 4 colours
- High color mode 512x256 pixel, 64K colours
- High color mode 1024x512 pixel, 64K colours
Keyboard Interface
- Port for MF-102 keyboards. 5 pin DIN connector.
- Stereo digital-analog converters, 10kHz or 20kHz sample rate selectable. Line and headphone outputs.
Clock and Nonvolatile RAM
- Battery buffered real time clock
- 2 KB nonvolatile static RAM
Disk Interface
- Enhanced IDE Controller for 2 Harddisks (16 bit wide data transfer)
- Floppy Controller for 2 HD floppies
- 2 serial ports with 115200 Baud
- 1 parallel port
- 1 joystick port
Disk interface and ports are on a small IDE / Multi IO card that belongs to the mainboard.
Extension Slot
- The mainboard has two extension slots, one of them is occupied by the IDE / Multi IO card. There are 16 data lines and 20 address lines, all signals are buffered and have a well defined timing. Signals and pinout also allow some ISA cards to be used in the slot.
Power Supply
- An industry standard power supply can be directly plugged into the Q40.
A complete Q40 System..
- .. is a Q40 Mainboard in combination with IDE Harddisk and HD Floppy mounted in an industry standard case with power supply, and a MF-102 keyboard.
QL Compatibility
- QL screen modes 4 and 8 are directly hardware compatible, ignoring mode 8 flashing. The 50 Hz frame interrupt is available. Memory map and interrupt handling are similar, but ports have changed. Microdrives and the slow QL network are not supported.
Price: Basic System with 16MB is about £330. Check prices at QBranch (they sell it).